If you’ve ever thought about setting up a tech company or ever had a great technology based idea you’re not one odd. Great tech companies come from little acorns.
The biggest issue that people face is that they tend to avoid acting on them. The number of ideas versus the number of people that act on them is quite low. This of course places anyone who acts on an idea at a notable advantage.
Of course, there’s more to it than that alone – so we have compiled a list of tips for those looking to get started on their tech idea. You never know, you could be the next Google?
Think Big
Limiting your goals and believing that your tech idea is curtailed by boundaries and similar is not a good idea. It’s best to think big in terms of your idea, where it could take you and how it could change the world. We live in a time where we are capable of communicating with the push of a button with anyone. Think about what’s not been done and how it could change your own life and also the future of the world.
If you’re intending on creating a physical device, then remember that it should be as small and well designed as possible. The trend is generally for smaller is better. Ideally an item should fit in the palm of your hand and though there are some exceptions obviously, inventing something small and easy to use is great.
Think Application and the End
Thinking about the application and the end use of the product places you far above many of the other engineers out there. The reality is that engineers can build anything and there are probably better people than you or your team out there. However, by creating something that’s got an end goal in sight and has a specific form of application that’s used in a particular manner you are creating something more. Think application and then think engineering.
Start-ups need Friends
Funding helps but it does not solve all problems for a start-up and you need to have friends that you can trust and people who will give you good feedback above all else. Friends are very important to start ups and they are the ones that can support a vision.
If you can’t do, sell
If you can’t create an idea from scratch for one reason or another, then why not sell your idea. A lot of us are limited for one reason or another and even though we may have an idea that could change the world, we may not be able to put it into action. Stephen Key, who is the co-founder of InventRight performed a very interesting interview on the whole concept of selling ideas recently on the Capital Office blog and its well worth a look.
It’s a Team
You can’t do everything alone and that’s why you need a good person in there to help keep balance and to see the bigger picture. Ideally you want someone who isn’t necessarily and engineer but someone who understands people and solves problems. If you have one of those for your tech start up, then you have a very strong card in your suit.
These tips will help you and your tech start up or your idea for a tech start up for that matter. So, take heed and you too can change the world.